Robe and shoes
On the eve of the day of the medical worker, we offer readers of our site a comic article in the form of a recommendation for nurses . What should be the form of clothing, as well as behavior patterns - Alexander Kostyushin talks about all this with sparkling humor.
So, advice to nurses.
Medical Worker's Day 2015
Every year doctors celebrate their holiday on the third Sunday of June. Thematic events are held in each medical institution. Medical Worker Day 2015 falls on June 21st.
As a rule, very pleasant ceremonies and procedures coincide with our professional holiday. This includes rewarding employees with certificates of honor and gratitude for services in the field of healthcare, and bonus payments, and organized banquets and picnics.
World Contraception Day
Since 2007, September 26 has been celebrated World Contraception Day as a global action to raise public awareness about family planning. The initiators of this event were ten international organizations whose activities are related to problems in the pressing issue of family health.
The goal of World Contraception Day is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and, as a result, the number of abortions. Around the world on September 26, educational campaigns are held to improve contraceptive literacy, as well as charitable public events, and thematic portals are opened.
Nurse on duty
Many colleagues do not need to be explained that a nurse on duty is a nanny, a waiter, a sister, a mother, and “your mother…”. Our today's post is not the usual description of a manipulation or a list of documents. This is a fictional story from real life.
Fervent and optimistic timing of his own working time spent in the department on daily duty called "Daily routine of a ward nurse."
Author: © Anna Martynova
Humor for the Day of the Medical Worker
Dear colleagues, the site administration usually tries to provide information, so to speak, unique. That is, word for word on other sites and in primary sources is not found.
However, today we offer you jokes about doctors borrowed from another site, that is, from several at once. Unfortunately, the author was nowhere to be seen, although he has great respect, as they say now. 🙂 So, humor for the day of the doctor:
Comic classification of doctors
Medical Worker's Day 2014
Nurses, like all doctors, will celebrate the day of the medical worker 2014 on June 15th. This professional holiday has been celebrated in the Soviet Union since 1966. And now it is celebrated by the inhabitants of Russia, as well as some former Soviet republics.
Nurse's Day 2014
On the day of the nurse in 2014 - it will be May 12 , as in 2013 , and every year, since 1971, I would like to congratulate colleagues. We owe the day of the nurse to the founder of our profession - Florence Nightingale . It is on her birthday that we celebrate our nursing professional holiday.
Let your patients be grateful to you for your deep knowledge and professionalism, the highest responsibility, the ability to come to the rescue in time, warmth and sincerity. May your work bring you satisfaction and a sense of pride in your work, a sense of belonging to a contribution to a great and extremely important cause - the preservation of people's health.
Nurse's Day 2013
Nurse's Day 2013 is coming soon . Like every year - May 12 , the day when the founder of nursing was born - the legendary Florence Nightingale . This holiday is international, celebrated by all communities of nurses, in all teams and finds a spiritual response in the soul of every nurse.
Our holiday officially came to Russia in 1993. So on the day of the nurse in 2013, we can mark the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of Russian sisters in the global celebration. We are very pleased and proud of the fact that on this day we congratulate the sister-sister, the paramedic and the midwife. Those without whose hands doctors simply can not do. And first of all, she takes care of the patients - a nurse, a paramedic, a midwife.
Virginia Henderson
Best known to nurses for the complementary model , Virginia Henderson has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of nursing.
Born in 1897, on November 30, the fifth of eight children of the respectable Henderson family, she was named Virginia. In honor of her mother's homeland - the state of Virginia, and, as it became obvious later, as the personification of a symbol of innocence and endless love for one's neighbor.
Oath of Florence Nightingale
Medical deontology, in the modern interpretation - medical bioethics, has its own history. Engaging in medicine involves immersion in the profession both in the field of knowledge and skills, and in moral and ethical principles.
One example of selfless service to people is Florence Nightingale's oath for nurses. Read completely "
Happy Medical Worker's Day! Postcards
For congratulations , we choose the most positive postcards Incredible responsibility, sleepless nights, catastrophic nervous tension are compensated by sincere warm words and uplifting images.
You can choose parting words on the day of the medical worker for the postcard You can get by with a short message, and sometimes humorous poetic lines are appropriate. The main thing is that the congratulations of colleagues or acquaintances of doctors carry a charge of kindness and cordiality. 🙂
And on this page you can click on the picture to open it in a new window in its true size. 🙂
Head Nurse Psychiatry (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry Part 8)
The work continued - everyone did his own, until Kuskov decided to leave his post and take the place of an ordinary intern. Natalya Sergeevna was still bothered by the fact that she was a senior psychiatric nurse , and that every day she had to see people who would not be remembered for a century. Read completely "
Chief Nurse's Day (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry, Part 7)
Then Kuskov decided to change tactics. The head nurse's daily day began like groundhog day. Small flaws, quite understandable when working in a wild nervous tension, Anton Valerievich regarded as "oddities in behavior, bordering on inadequacy" of Natalya Sergeevna. Read completely "
Report of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 6)
As you know, you can "get to the bottom" of anyone. It began with nit-picking, reprimands for minor shortcomings. And then there was another meeting (annual). From under the silence, a stunning tub of mud was prepared for Natalya. Allegedly required senior nurse report about the distribution of wages. Read completely "
Position of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 5)
I must say, to the great regret of the vast majority of employees, Orlov was transferred to another hospital. Natalya Sergeevna took senior nurse position without much enthusiasm. True, instead of the one that left this very post, not understanding the management style of the new head and slamming the door. Natalia did her job conscientiously, trying to justify the trust. And I didn’t think that she was not at all at court here, that she had a decent number of enemies and envious people, and that they took her to this position in order to “plug a hole”.
Nurse with higher education (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 4)
Natalia decided to bring something completely new into her everyday life. And this new one did not turn out to be some kind of stupid affair, where the “good” friends were persistently pushing. It was the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education at the Medical Academy. Correspondence. “At the end of the university there will be our graduate nurse and broad prospects,” colleagues joked.
The first category of a nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 3)
After 30, metamorphoses often occur with women. When everything is set up, the kids grow up and life, which used to be so interesting, and there is already the first category of a nurse , suddenly turns out to be a gray routine. Everything is the same everywhere! Always the same! I want to change something, bring a gust of fresh wind into everyday life! It would be nice to have another baby. But by that time, Natalia had no one to give birth to. Read completely "
Why I Became a Nurse (Peculiarities of National Psychiatry, Part 2)
Natalia remembered again and again - " Why did I become a nurse ?" Here's why.
In the already distant Soviet times, a girl lived in a small but significant northern city for the country. Positive in all respects. Excellence and activist. She dreamed of a career as a translator, adored foreign languages. Having fallen in love with English and in absentia with the whole of Great Britain, she was happy to do her homework in a foreign language for herself and for others. Avidly read Carroll, Dickens, Jerome, Scott.
And then fate somehow turned out that I had to part with the dream. Left MSU. Read completely "
Medical Worker's Day 2012
We celebrate Medical Worker Day 2012 on June 17th .
The professional holiday of all physicians is held annually on the third Sunday of the first summer month.
In December 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Medical Worker's Day as an annual professional holiday. Read completely "
The work of the head nurse (Peculiarities of national psychiatry, part 1)
The job of a senior nurse associated not only with colossal responsibility - moral and material, but also with the black envy of many colleagues. Sometimes it happens that people themselves do not know what they envy. But envy can be overcome - this is the fate of any leader. Sometimes it's much tougher.
For example, in psychiatry, where over the years all employees form a rather specific view of people. You may be declared insane. Read completely "
May 12 - Nurse's Day
For the second century, there has been a world day for nurses of all levels and specialties. It is celebrated on May 12, the birthday of the legendary Florence Nightingale , the founder of our profession. True, officially the day of the nurse has been celebrated since 1971, and in Russia it was recognized in 1993.
The contribution of a nurse to the treatment of patients cannot be overestimated. After all, it is the sister who performs all the manipulations prescribed by the doctor. Helps the doctor, being his second hands and eyes. He monitors the condition and mood of patients, takes care to bring a prescription for the right medicine on time, measure blood pressure ... You can’t list everything! Read completely "
Legacy of Florence Nightingale
Invaluable is the legacy of Florence Nightingale in founding the nursing profession and advancing nursing reform. No wonder her birthday - May 12 - has become an international holiday for nurses.
Florence was born in 1820 in the family of a wealthy English aristocratic landowner. At the age of 16, Florence Nightingale had the feeling that she should serve the people. In her diary, she writes that "God called her into service." Therefore, despite the excellent education and the protests of the family, Florence Nightingale decides to become a sister of mercy. Read completely "
Nurse Portfolio
What is a nurse portfolio and when is a “professional portfolio” required?
The structure of the portfolio of a nurse consists of several sections.
1. Portrait. Photos, resumes indicating education and the place of its receipt, work experience, duties performed are placed here. A good plus would be the inclusion of self-presentation. Read completely "
Evaluation of the nurse's performance
Stage V of the nursing process
At the 5th stage of the nursing process (SP) there is a final assessment of the nurse's activities based on the achieved results of patient care.
Outcomes are continuously evaluated throughout the nursing process. Starting with the patient's identified problems, the nurse analyzes her activities and the patient's response to nursing interventions. Read completely "
Stage 4 of the nursing process
Stage IV of the nursing process
Implementation of the plan of nursing interventions, or stage 4 of the nursing process is defined as the implementation of the planned scope of actions aimed at achieving the set goals.
In order for the 4th stage of the nursing process to be carried out correctly, there are the following recommendations: read in full »
Nursing Intervention Plan
Stage III of the Nursing Process
At the third stage of the nursing process, a plan of nursing interventions for further care of the patient. Planning is the process of setting goals (desired outcomes of care) and determining the scope of nursing interventions. Read completely "
Nursing diagnosis
Stage II of the nursing process
At the second stage of the nursing process, the nursing diagnosis or identification of the patient's existing and potential problems is determined.
In contrast to the medical diagnosis, nursing diagnosis is most often not one due to several problems in the patient. Nursing diagnostics covers all areas of the patient's life, in connection with which nursing diagnoses are combined as: read more »
Stages of the Nursing Process
Consider the main stages of the nursing processused in international and Russian practice.
Stage I - nursing examination of the patient . The nurse is engaged in the collection, analysis and evaluation of subjective and objective information about the patient. Read completely "
Nursing examination of the patient
Stage I of the nursing process
In addition to medical, there is a nursing examination of the patient as the first stage of the nursing process. At this stage, the nurse collects information about the patient using her senses:
- vision;
- hearing;
- smell;
- touch. Read completely "
Contemporary Nursing
An integral part of today's health care is modern nursing - a field of activity aimed at solving individual and social problems of the population in constantly changing environmental conditions.
Modern nursing defined as the science and art of medical care for the patient, aimed at solving his problems:
- existing;
- potential. Read completely "
Model V. Henderson
Virginia Henderson is a famous name in nursing. She is the author of the theory of nursing care.
The so-called additive-complementary nursing model of Henderson calls for directing the nurse's attention to helping the patient in his needs:
- physical, physiological;
- psychological;
- social. Read completely "
Model D. Orem
Introduced in 1971, Dorothea Orem's model is based on the principles of self-care , or self-care.
In this model of nursing, 3 groups of needs for self-care are distinguished:
1. Universal:
- sufficient intake of air, liquid, food;
- sufficient opportunities for allocation and process-related needs;
- balance between activity and rest, between communication and loneliness;
- prevention of danger to life and normal life in good health;
- the desire to correspond to a certain social group, based on individual capabilities.
Model N. Roper
's sister model, co-authored with V. Logan and A. Tierney, is based on 12 types of daily human life. This includes both biological and social human needs.
- Safety.
- Communication.
- Breath.
- Consumption of food and liquids.
- Removal of unwanted body products.
- Personal hygiene.
- Comfortable body temperature.
- Physical activity.
- Work and leisure.
- Sexuality.
- Dream.
- Dying. Read completely "
Model K. Roy
The adaptive model of K. Roy is based on the presence of a certain range of possibilities in which a person adapts to unusual states independently and with outside help. The possibilities of the body in this model:
- physiological;
- psychological.
Each person has a unique range of comfortable adaptation (both physiological and psychological). 's sisterly adaptation model defines the factors influencing the size of the adaptation range as stimuli. Read completely "
Model D. Johnson
The sister model of D. Johnson is based on the correction of human behavior. According to the theory of this model, the patient is free to decide to change his behavior in order to achieve the goals:
- recovery;
- education;
- mastery of skills.
conceptual model identifies two areas of behavior:
- based on current events and people around;
- under the influence of established habits and stereotypes. Read completely "
Model M. Allen
In medical publications, the M. Allen model (after the name of the author) is also called the McGill model (after the name of the university in Canada). Its development dates back to the 70s of the XX century, when the organization of primary medical care received wide support.
The foundation of Moira Allen's nursing model is health maintenance . Through the active participation of the patient himself and his relatives. Read completely "
nursing models
Consider the main models of nursing in medicine.
First, remember that a model is a role model. And nursing models define the essence of the nurse-patient relationship. The determining factor in the direction of any model is the patient and his problems with disability and the ability to self-service.
The main components in each model of nursing are:
Types of healthcare facilities
Institutions providing medical care are called medical and preventive. The main types of health care facilities (treatment and preventive institutions):
- outpatient (institutions where medical and diagnostic assistance is provided to patients who do not need round-the-clock supervision);
- stationary (institutions providing medical and diagnostic assistance to patients in need of round-the-clock treatment, care and medical-protective regime).
Outpatient types of health facilities, in turn, are divided into several types. Read completely "
The work of a nurse
As a nurse, the work is interesting and instructive. If you like medicine at all, of course. Much depends on the specialization received. If there is none, when applying for a job, a specialization is usually offered.
Often the nurse is trained on the job and the job does not suffer. Basic knowledge is obtained through internship and experience. And the theory will be taught in a specialized nursing course. What are the specializations, and where does the job await after qualification?
Nurse Profession
Some children are forced, for health reasons, to communicate with doctors more than they would like. And some of them dream, when they grow up, to become if doctors, then doctors. Yes, children! Not all adults know that a nurse is a profession and a vocation.
By definition, a nurse is a physician's assistant. Nobody will argue here. However, an experienced qualified nurse is a much more capacious concept than just an assistant. This is the second pair of arms, legs, eyes, ears of the doctor.