Diet number 13
Diet number 13 is prescribed for acute febrile conditions accompanying infectious diseases, tonsillitis, conditions after operations. Purpose of Table No. 13 Appointment:
- maintaining and increasing the resistance (protective forces) of the body;
- decrease in intoxication;
- sparing the digestive system in bed rest and feverish conditions.
proteins - 70-80 grams (including animals - 50 grams);
- fats - 70 grams;
- carbohydrates - 300 grams.
Energy value - 2000-2200 kcal.
The total calorie content of the diet is reduced due to the lower content of fats and carbohydrates, as well as proteins, but to a lesser extent. Preference is given to easily digestible and easily digestible products that do not cause constipation and flatulence. The set of products is diverse, but coarse fiber, fatty and salty foods are excluded.
Foods excluded from the diet with diet number 13
- Any fresh bread, rye bread, pastries and muffins.
- Fatty broths and soups, bean and millet soups.
- Fatty meats and poultry, lamb, pork, goose, duck, canned meat and sausages.
- Fatty fish, smoked and salted fish, caviar, canned fish.
- Whole milk, heavy cream, sour cream, fatty and salty cheeses.
- Eggs hard boiled and fried.
- Legumes, corn, barley and barley groats, millet.
- White cabbage, swede, radish, radish, cucumber, garlic, onion, mushrooms.
- Fruits and berries rich in fiber, and also with rough skin.
- Chocolate, cakes, cakes, cocoa, spices.
Products recommended for diet number 13
- Bread and bakery products made from flour of the highest and 1st grade - dried or in the form of crackers.
- Unsavory - biscuit and dry biscuits.
- Weak low-fat meat and fish broths with the addition of quenelles, egg flakes, mashed soups, slimy decoctions from various cereals, except for prohibited ones, vegetarian soups with pasta, permitted cereals and vegetables, mashed.
- Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry, stripped of fat, tendons and fascia. Steamed and boiled minced meat dishes, meat soufflés, mashed potatoes.
- Low-fat types of fish, skinned and steamed or boiled.
- Sour-milk drinks, low-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it. Sour cream with a fat content of up to 20%, cream and milk are added to dishes.
- Eggs, steamed, soft-boiled, in the form of protein omelettes.
- Porridges from allowed cereals are well boiled and pureed, semi-liquid and semi-viscous, with the addition of a small amount of milk or broth. Steamed soufflés and cereal puddings, boiled vermicelli.
- Carrots, beets, potatoes, cauliflower in the form of soufflé, mashed potatoes, steamed puddings. Early zucchini, pumpkin - boiled or baked. Raw tomatoes - only ripe ones.
- Soft fruits and berries in their raw form - very ripe, sweet and sour and sweet - it is better to wipe. Baked apples, soufflé, sambuca, jelly. Compotes and jelly from fresh and dry fruits. Dairy sweet dishes: cream, jelly, snowballs, meringues. Sugar, jam, marmalade, jams, honey.
- Butter and refined sunflower oils are added to dishes - up to 10 grams.
- Tea with lemon, weak tea and coffee with milk, diluted fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip and wheat bran broth, fruit and berry fruit drinks.
Diet number 13 is characterized by cooking boiled or steamed food, from chopped or pureed raw materials. Dishes are served hot (55-60 degrees) or cold (12-15 degrees). Diet - 5-6 times a day.