postheadericon Diet number 9

Diet number 9 is prescribed for diabetes, but only if there is no acidosis and diseases of the internal organs.

Purpose of Table No. 9 :

  • creating conditions in the body to maintain a positive carbohydrate balance;
  • prevention of lipid metabolism disorders.

Diet No. 9 is characterized by a moderate restriction in the diet of carbohydrates and fats, a slightly increased content of proteins, and a moderate restriction of salt. Easily digestible carbohydrates are completely excluded. Foods containing cholesterol and extractives are limited. The energy value is moderately reduced.


The diet should contain foods containing lipotropic substances, dietary fiber and vitamins - low-fat fish and seafood, cottage cheese, grain bread, vegetables and fruits.

The composition of diet number 9 :

  • proteins - 80-90 grams (of which animal proteins - 50-55 grams);
  • fats - 70-80 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 300-350 grams.

Energy value - 2200-2400 kcal.

Foods excluded from the diet with diet number 9

  • Bakery products from rich, as well as from puff pastry.
  • Soups on strong and fatty broths, milk soups with pasta, rice and semolina.
  • Fatty meats, duck, goose, smoked and canned meat products, sausages prepared by any smoking method.
  • Fatty fish, caviar, canned fish in oil, salted fish.
  • From dairy products: cream, curd masses with a high percentage of fat content, curd cheeses, salty and fatty cheese.
  • Dishes with semolina and rice groats, pasta in any form.
  • Marinades and pickles.
  • Fruits and sweets: bananas, grapes and raisins, dates, figs, sugar, preserves, jams, marmalade, ice cream, confectionery, sweet juices, sugar-based carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy, salty and fatty sauces.
  • Cooking fats.

Products recommended for diet number 9

  • Rye, grain, bran bread - about 300 grams per day. Lumpy dough products can be included by reducing the total amount of bread eaten per day.
  • Soups on weak meat, fish and mushroom broths, vegetable soups, soups with meatballs.
  • Lean veal and beef, meat pork, lamb, rabbit meat, turkey. The meat is served boiled, stewed or fried after boiling. Dietary and diabetic sausages, boiled tongue.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish in boiled and baked form, occasionally fried low-fat fish is allowed. Canned fish in tomato sauce or own juice.
  • Milk, dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat and unsalted cheeses. Limited - sour cream.
  • Boiled eggs, protein omelettes (up to 1.5 eggs per day). The consumption of yolks is limited.
  • Potatoes, green peas, carrots, beets are served in an amount calculated for the allowed carbohydrate rate. Cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, lettuce. Vegetables are consumed raw, boiled, baked or stewed. Salads, vinaigrettes, caviar from vegetables and mushrooms.
  • Low-fat and unsalted sauces on weak broths.
  • Fresh fruits and berries are sour and sweet and sour. Jelly, compotes, mousses with sweeteners.
  • Tea with milk or sugar substitute, coffee with milk, rosehip broth, vegetable juices and juices from sweet and sour fruits and berries.

A patient on insulin therapy should receive a carbohydrate meal immediately after the injection and 30 minutes after the procedure.

If diet number 9 is not indicated due to concomitant diseases, a combined diet is prescribed. for example, for liver diseases, diet No. 5 is indicated, therefore, a diet is prescribed taking into account both diabetes mellitus and liver pathology - diet 9/5.


  • Svetlana:

    I recently read that up to 5 pcs. dates can be consumed by people with high blood sugar, tk. they contain fructose, vitamin A and potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements and vitamins.

    • admin:

      Fructose in all fruits is, as well as vitamins with trace elements. It goes as a sweetener for diabetes. It's better not to take risks with dates.

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