Chief Nurse Documentation
All documentation of the head nurse of a medical institution is divided into several sections:
1. List of Federal Laws of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of medical institutions.
2. Regulatory documents on:
- attestation and certification of paramedical personnel;
- drug supply;
- work with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- work with ethyl alcohol, poisonous and potent drugs;
- the rules for accounting, storage, discharge from the hospital pharmacy of the above funds.
3. Regulatory framework for the organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in health care facilities. Orders, instructions, guidelines governing the organization of the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime in medical institutions.
4. List of standard forms of primary medical documentation used in medical facilities.
5. Internal orders for a medical institution regarding the activities of middle and junior medical personnel.
6. Documentation of the head nurse on planning her activities:
- annual and additional plans, work regulations by days of the week, by weeks);
- operational plans for advanced training of paramedical workers for the current year;
- vacation schedules for senior nurses of the units and lists of their understudies (persons replacing them for a period of temporary absence);
- lists of the decreed group of middle and junior personnel subject to periodic medical examinations, indicating the period of their conduct;
- a plan for administrative rounds to control the work of middle and junior medical personnel, indicating the timing of the conduct;
- list of reports of the main and senior nurses.