postheadericon Emergency notification of infectious disease

To prevent the spread of infections, according to the Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated 04.10.80 N 1030, there is an “Emergency notification of an infectious disease” - an operational accounting document. Official registration form No. 058 / y, full name - "Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination."

Each case of an infectious disease or suspicion of it, pediculosis, poisoning or an unusual reaction to a vaccination must be transferred to the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities. A notification is submitted no later than 2 hours after the discovery of the case. The sooner the notification is given, the easier it will be to take measures to prevent the spread of infection.

Filling out an emergency notice to the bodies of SanEpidnadzor

Form No. 058 / y is filled out in 2 copies in the following columns:

  • diagnosis;
  • passport details of the patient: full name, age, home address, place of work;
  • anti-epidemic measures taken with the patient and contact;
  • date and place of hospitalization;
  • date, time of primary signaling in TsGSEN;
  • a list of people in contact with the patient, their home addresses and telephone numbers;
  • FULL NAME. and the signature of the healthcare professional.

Then an emergency message is sent to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service as soon as possible, no later than 2 hours from the moment an infectious disease is detected or suspected.

After the above steps, the journal of infectious patients of the registration form No. 60 is filled out.

Emergency notification of an infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning, an unusual reaction to a vaccination.

1. Diagnosis _____________________________________________________________

(laboratory confirmed: yes, no (underline))

2. Surname, name, patronymic ____________________________________________

3. Gender: m. (emphasize) ______________________________________

4. Age (for children under 14 - date of birth) _________________

5. Address, settlement ___________ district _____________________

street ____________________________________ building N _____ apt. N_____


(individual, communal, hostel - enter)

6. Name and address of the place of work (study, children's institution)


7. Dates:

diseases _________________________________________________

initial treatment (detection) ______________________________

establishing a diagnosis ___________________________________________

last visit to a children's institution, school _______________

hospitalization ________________________________________________

8. Place of hospitalization __________________________________________

9. If poisoning - indicate where it happened, what poisoned

victim ___________________________________________________________

10. Conducted primary anti-epidemic measures and

additional information __________________________________________

11. Date and hour of the primary alarm (by phone, etc.) in the SES __


Name of person reporting ______________________________________________

Who received the message _____________________________________________

12. Date and hour of sending the notice _________________________________

Signature of the sender of the notice _____________________________________

Registration number ____________________ in the journal f. No. 60

medical institution

13. Date and hour of receipt of the SES notice ___________________________

Registration N _______________ in the journal f. N 60 sanitary epidemiological station


Signature of recipient.

Compiled by a health worker who under any circumstances has identified an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning or suspects them, as well as when the diagnosis changes. It is sent to the sanitary and epidemiological station at the place of detection of the patient no later than 12 hours from the moment the patient was discovered.

In the case of a notification about a change in the diagnosis of paragraph 1 of the notice, the changed diagnosis, the date of its establishment and the initial diagnosis are indicated.

Notifications are also made for cases of bites, scratches, saliva by domestic or wild animals, which should be considered as a suspicion of rabies.

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Comments (1)

  • NinjaSSG:

    Compiled by a medical worker who has identified an infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning in any circumstances, or if they are suspected, as well as when the diagnosis is changed, it is sent to the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authority at the place where the patient was identified.

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