Functional duties of the head nurse of the department
Consider the main functional responsibilities of the head nurse of the department (hospital) of the medical institution.
I. Work with personnel
1. Selection and qualified placement of personnel.
2. Work on staff development:
- ensuring that nurses attend conferences with the head nurse;
- conducting classes within the department according to the plan;
- unscheduled knowledge checks of medical staff in the evenings and weekends;
- work on mastering the personnel of related specialties;
- training of personnel for attestation and certification.
3. Carrying out, together with the head of the department, classes on labor protection, safety, fire safety.
4. Training of personnel to act in case of emergency.
II. Production work
1. Control over the quality and timely fulfillment of medical appointments by nurses:
- infusions, injections, distribution of tablet medicines;
- preparation of the patient for research, manipulations, operations;
- referral of patients accompanied by junior staff to treatment and diagnostic rooms.
2. Control over the correct sampling of biomaterials for various studies.
3. Control over the condition of patients, especially those in serious condition.
4. Providing skills to provide patients with qualified care in emergency conditions from nursing staff.
5. Control over the number of patients in the department, drawing up portion requirements for the catering unit, taking into account possible admissions of patients at night and weekends, timely application for the supply of diet food to the department.
6. Working with documentation:
- providing the department with the necessary medical documentation and its high-quality maintenance;
- drawing up work schedules for employees, reports, a journal and timesheets, applications for medicines, orders for combining employees of related professions;
- proper maintenance of journals for the issuance of narcotic, potent medicines, accounting for warehouse material, subject-quantitative accounting, issuing sick leave certificates;
- ensuring the safety of all medical records, especially strict reporting forms.
7. Possession of all types of nursing manipulations, if necessary, replacement of any nurse in the department in her absence.
8. Timely provision of the department with medicines, instruments, dressings.
III. Anti-epidemic work
1. Prevention of nosocomial infections:
- control over compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis in treatment rooms, dressing rooms;
- providing employees with latex/rubber gloves upon request through a pharmacy;
- daily examination of personnel for the presence of pustular diseases, special attention to employees of the distribution, canteen, nurses performing manipulations;
- control over the timely isolation of infectious patients with anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak;
- anti-epidemic measures during the outbreak of SARS and influenza;
- strict control over all stages of blood transfusion and its components;
- quality control of current and general cleaning carried out by junior staff, as well as current and final disinfection.
2. Ensuring a set of anti-epidemic measures when a patient with a particularly dangerous infection is identified in accordance with the instructions.
3. Quality control of the work of the hostess in the timely provision of the department with clean linen, cleaning equipment, detergents, as well as work to combat insects and rodents.
IV. Sanitary and educational work
1. Conversations with patients and their relatives.
2. Work with parents of sick children about proper nutrition and physical development.
3. Control over the updating of stands with information about a healthy lifestyle.
V. Organizational issues
1. Conducting meetings with the head of the department to address production issues.
2. Solving the tasks set for updating and strengthening the material and technical base of the department.
3. Organization of classes with junior and middle medical workers with the involvement of doctors from their department and other units of the health care facility (resuscitator, epidemiologist, etc.).
Hello! Please tell us from which legal documents these functional responsibilities are taken?
Based on the job description of the senior nurse of the hospital.
Job descriptions are developed by the legal department of the health facility.
Who should conduct the desar briefing and provide sample logging? Thank you.
Medical technicians, epidemiological department, head nurse.
Hello, in our department, the senior medical nurse keeps a single general cleaning log for the entire department. Do I need a separate log in the handout?
Hello, Natalia.
The head nurse apparently keeps her own journal for convenience. And in a separate room where cleaning is carried out, of course, there should be a journal with notes on the general cleaning carried out, indicating the disinfectant used.
Tell me, am I obliged, as a senior m/s, to independently search the Internet for forms of journals, samples of orders and instructions, if a request was received from the main m/s, isn’t this the direct responsibility of the main m/s?
Do I bear full responsibility for violations of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the station. department, due to untimely informing the main m / s about the changed standards and requirements, is a fine imposed only on the senior m / s?
*provided that the main m / s is a relative of the leader?
Hello Xenia.
1. You know, purely by job description, you, of course, as you yourself understand, are not required to search for anything on the Internet. Moreover, the information may be inaccurate. BUT. As a leader, you must be flexible in your behavior towards both subordinates and your superiors in the person of the head nurse. Regardless of whether she is a relative of the leader or not. You should solve questions together - how to do it better, where to find a sample of accounting forms - for sure there is a lawyer in your institution, you can approach him, delve into the Consultant. Understand that no one owes anything to anyone. And if you find a way out, the same head nurse will surely appreciate your efforts.
2. Yes, it is you who are directly and fully responsible for compliance with the SEP in your department. Supervisory authorities do not care a bit that someone did not inform you about something. Ignorance of the law, as you know, does not exempt from responsibility. And on whom to impose fines and in what amount - they also decide (supervisors represented by the SEN, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.).
*You can't change that fact. 🙂 If you want to work in your position, look for common ground. The corporate spirit has not been canceled. Good luck!
Can you tell me if the ward dietitian or the ward chief nurse is responsible for maintaining the SEP in the kitchen area? Thank you!
And a dietitian, And a head nurse.
Tell me, please, does the hemodialysis nurse obey the head. department or she reports only to the senior operating sister. Thank you
Please tell me who is in charge of sick leave in the hospital. Head nurse or guard nurse?