Therapeutic diets: tables
For various diseases, preparation for research, as well as in postoperative conditions, therapeutic diets are prescribed: tables with numbers assigned to them. Consider what diets are, as well as indications for them.
Diet (table) No. 0
It is prescribed in the first days after operations on the stomach and intestines, as well as in a semi-conscious state.
Diet (table) No. 1 surgical
The second day after appendectomy, 4-5 days after operations on the stomach and intestines, after diet No. 0.
Diet (table) No. 1 therapeutic
It is prescribed for peptic ulcer in the stage of subsiding exacerbation, in the process of scarring of the ulcer, and also for 2-3 months of remission of peptic ulcer.
Diet (table) No. 1a
With gastrointestinal bleeding, exacerbation of peptic ulcer during the first 8-10 days of treatment, exacerbation of gastritis with increased secretory activity, burns of the esophagus.
Diet (table) No. 1 b
It is prescribed after diet No. 1a, the range of allowed products is slightly expanded.
Diet (table) No. 2
Chronic gastritis with insufficient secretory activity, chronic enterocolitis without the stage of exacerbation, dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus, recovery period after a severe infection, postoperative period, indications for moderate sparing of the gastrointestinal tract.
Diet (table) No. 3
Diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by constipation, with attenuation of exacerbation.
Diet (table) No. 4
Gastroenterocolitis, acute and exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis, acute period of dysentery, condition after intestinal surgery.
Diet (table) No. 4b
Chronic enterocolitis during a period of moderate exacerbation in combination with a lesion of the stomach, dysentery during the period of remission of acute phenomena.
Diet (table) No. 5a
Acute cholecystitis, as well as exacerbation of chronic, acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic, chronic cholecystitis in combination with peptic ulcer, 5th-6th day after surgery on the biliary tract.
Diet (table) No. 5
Chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver without exacerbation of the process and in the absence of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Diet (table) No. 6
Gout, uric acid diathesis, erythremia, other conditions that require the exclusion of meat and fish products.
Diet (table) No. 7a
Acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis in the stage of renal failure.
Diet (table) No. 7b
Acute nephritis after diet No. 7a, exacerbation of chronic nephritis, accompanied by edema, high blood pressure, while maintaining the excretory function of the kidneys.
Diet (table number) 7
Acute nephritis during the recovery period, chronic nephritis with subtle changes in the composition of the urine sediment, nephropathy in pregnant women, hypertension, and other conditions that require a salt-free diet.
Diet (table) No. 8
Obesity, not accompanied by diseases of the digestive system, liver and cardiovascular system.
Diet (table) No. 9
Diabetes mellitus in the absence of acidosis and diseases of internal organs.
Diet (table) No. 10
Diseases of the cardiovascular system (rheumatic heart disease in the stage of compensation or with circulatory failure of the 1st degree, hypertension of the 1st and 2nd stages), diseases of the nervous system, chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis with changes in the composition of the urine sediment, acute and chronic pyelitis.
Diet (table) No. 10a
Heart disease in the stage of circulatory failure II and II-III degrees, hypertension, accompanied by circulatory failure or impaired cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction in acute and subacute periods.
Diet (table) No. 10s
Atherosclerosis of the arteries with a predominant lesion of the coronary vessels, vessels of the brain and other internal organs, myocardial infarction in the stage of scarring, hypertension.
Diet (table) No. 11
Pulmonary tuberculosis in the stage of remission, exacerbation of the process, chronic form in the absence of diseases of the internal organs.
Diet (table) No. 12
Diseases of the nervous system.
Diet (table) No. 14
Phosphaturia with alkaline urine and precipitation of phosphorus-calcium salts.
Diet (table) No. 15
Various diseases in the absence of indications for the appointment of a special therapeutic diet and subject to the normal state and functioning of the digestive system.