postheadericon Nurse in psychiatry


A psychiatric hospital is a regime department, that is, subject to its own rules. The doors are locked, the keys to which are kept only by the staff and are handed over to the attendants when the shift is handed over. All windows have bars. Any nurse in psychiatry is required to know and strictly observe the operating hours of the department.


The uniform of medical personnel should be kept in a calm style, wearing short gowns is prohibited. Patients should be kept at a distance. However, you should never show your fear. By following security measures, unwanted excesses can be prevented.


Under no circumstances should a psychiatric nurse

  • turn your back to the patient
  • enter the ward without being accompanied by a nurse;
  • speak in a familiar or aggressive tone;
  • joke is inappropriate.


Guard (ward) nurse in psychiatryon duty around the clock monitors patients, notices changes in their behavior and condition, monitors sleep, appetite, mood of patients and reports everything to the doctor at daily planning meetings. If there is a sudden change in the behavior of the patient, the attending physician or doctor on duty should be notified immediately.


The duty nurse is also involved in distributing medicines to patients, preparing for research, and making appointments for consultations of patients with specialists appointed by the attending physician. Before passing the shift, the ward nurse in psychiatry records in a special journal the behavior of patients under supervision and supervision, as well as the case of seizures and attacks by patients on patients and staff.


A procedural nurse in psychiatry performs the appointments of the attending physicians: injections, drip infusions, blood sampling for research.

An insulin nurse in psychiatry deals with insulin therapy under the guidance of a physician.


Aminazine nurse works in a specialized office with a fume hood and well-functioning supply and exhaust ventilation. The chlorpromazine sister treats patients with chlorpromazine according to the doctor's prescription - distributes tablets (pellets) and performs injections. Work in the chlorpromazine office is carried out in a special apron, over which an additional dressing gown is put on. Be sure to wear a mask and rubber gloves.


Both the sentry and the chlorpromazine nurse in psychiatry must wash their hands with soap and water after distributing tablet medicines.


Despite various myths and "horror stories", the work of a nurse in psychiatry is interesting and serves as a good school of life. Psychiatric departments are among the most successful in terms of almost no staff turnover.


You can download the professional standard "nursing in psychiatry" .

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