postheadericon Model M. Allen


In medical publications, the M. Allen model (after the name of the author) is also called the McGill model (after the name of the university in Canada). Its development dates back to the 70s of the XX century, when the organization of primary medical care received wide support.


The foundation of Moira Allen's nursing model is health maintenance . Through the active participation of the patient himself and his relatives.

How does the Moira Allen model to the nursing process?


Let's look at the components.


1. Patient considered not as an isolated object, but as part of society. Members of his family are involved in the recovery of the patient. In this model, the object of activity of the nursing staff is both the patient himself as a person, spiritually and physically united, and his family. Relatives of the patient help the nurse both in identifying and in solving problems associated with his illness.


2. The patient's problems and their causes can be found with the help of the family, as well as within family relationships and lifestyle.


3. The purpose of nursing care is the achievement of the patient's goals, the mobilization of the patient's strength and will, the stabilization of the resources of the patient's personality and his family.


4. The focus of nursing care: on the observance of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Educating the patient about their problems and how to cope with them, actively involving the patient's family members in the process of his recovery.


5. The role of the nurse is teaching the rules of a healthy lifestyle to both the patient and his family. Selection of the tactics of conversation and persuasion that is optimal for the patient's family.


6. The nurse discusses the methods of medical intervention The emphasis is on the formation and consolidation of useful skills - physical activity, being outdoors, a balanced diet.


7. Evaluation of the results is based on the health status of the patient and his family after a planned period of time. If the set goal is not achieved, the situation should be reassessed and analyzed, goals should be set again and a plan should be drawn up for their implementation.

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