nurse's day

postheadericon Nurse's Day 2014

On the day of the nurse in 2014 - it will be May 12 , as in 2013 , and every year, since 1971, I would like to congratulate colleagues. We owe the day of the nurse to the founder of our profession - Florence Nightingale . It is on her birthday that we celebrate our nursing professional holiday.


Let your patients be grateful to you for your deep knowledge and professionalism, the highest responsibility, the ability to come to the rescue in time, warmth and sincerity. May your work bring you satisfaction and a sense of pride in your work, a sense of belonging to a contribution to a great and extremely important cause - the preservation of people's health.

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postheadericon Nurse's Day 2013

Nurse's Day 2013 is coming soon . Like every year - May 12 , the day when the founder of nursing was born - the legendary Florence Nightingale . This holiday is international, celebrated by all communities of nurses, in all teams and finds a spiritual response in the soul of every nurse.


Our holiday officially came to Russia in 1993. So on the day of the nurse in 2013, we can mark the 20th anniversary of the inclusion of Russian sisters in the global celebration. We are very pleased and proud of the fact that on this day we congratulate the sister-sister, the paramedic and the midwife. Those without whose hands doctors simply can not do. And first of all, she takes care of the patients - a nurse, a paramedic, a midwife.

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postheadericon May 12 - Nurse's Day


For the second century, there has been a world day for nurses of all levels and specialties. It is celebrated on May 12, the birthday of the legendary Florence Nightingale , the founder of our profession. True, officially the day of the nurse has been celebrated since 1971, and in Russia it was recognized in 1993.


The contribution of a nurse to the treatment of patients cannot be overestimated. After all, it is the sister who performs all the manipulations prescribed by the doctor. Helps the doctor, being his second hands and eyes. He monitors the condition and mood of patients, takes care to bring a prescription for the right medicine on time, measure blood pressure ... You can’t list everything! Read completely "

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