Diet number 14
Diet number 14 is prescribed for urolithiasis with an alkaline urine reaction and precipitation of phosphorus-calcium salts (phosphaturia) in the urine.
The purpose of the appointment is to help restore the acidic reaction of the urine and, thus, to prevent the formation of sediment in the urine.
Diet number 14 is characterized by the restriction or exclusion of alkalizing foods. Included in the diet are those foods and dishes from them that contribute to a change in the reaction of urine to the acid side. In the absence of contraindications, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.
The composition of the diet number 14
- proteins - 80-100 grams;
- fats - 100 grams;
- carbohydrates - 400 grams.
Energy value - 2800 kcal.
Products recommended for diet number 14
- Various types of bakery products and pastries with a limitation in their composition of milk and yolks.
- Soups on weak meat, fish and mushroom broths with the addition of noodles, legumes.
- Various types of meat and poultry, as well as fish in any culinary treatment.
- From dairy products - only a small amount of sour cream added to dishes.
- Eggs in various preparations, 1 per day. The consumption of yolks is limited.
- Various cereals in any preparation, without the addition of milk.
- Mushrooms. From vegetables - green peas and pumpkin.
- Meat and fish cold appetizers, soaked herring, caviar, seafood, limited - canned meat and fish.
- Sour berries and fruits: lingonberries, cranberries and juice from them, sour varieties of apples. Jelly, compotes and kissels from permitted fruits.
- Confectionery, honey, sugar, meringues, snowballs, popsicles.
- Sauces on broths. Spices are very limited.
- Weak tea and coffee, no added milk. Cowberry and cranberry fruit drinks, rosehip broth.
Foods excluded from the diet with diet number 14
- Vegetable, fruit and dairy soups.
- Meat and fish smoked meats and pickles.
- Milk and dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese.
- Vegetables except permitted, potatoes, salads, vinaigrettes, canned food and vegetable snacks.
- Fruits and berries, as well as juices from them - except for those allowed.
- Chocolate, cocoa, strong coffee.
Diet number 14 in terms of the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and also in terms of its calorie content corresponds to the physiological needs of a person. Culinary processing of food does not require special features. Meals - 4 times a day. Drinking is recommended during breaks and on an empty stomach.